Legoing DeFi for you

The strategies you are looking for without wasting time executing them. We do it for you.

Take the most out of those yearly APR

Reinvestor makes easy for you the daily compond of those staking you are all in so you don't have to do it manually everyday


We look out there to find the best opportunities in the market and make it available to you at the click of one button.


Reduce risk and increase returns leveraging decentralized finance protocols with Firelabs

Firelabs goal is the creation of financial automated strategy that works for you

Simply 3 steps to start being part of the DeFi ecosystem


Choose a strategy

Right now Firelabs only have Reinvestor with one single strategy of a staking. More strategies will be added


Choose the amount and asset

You can be part of Firelabs investing in NBU. In the near future we will add more strategies with different assets like CAKE, GNBU, BNB, BUSD, and more!


Start the strategy

Just clicking the button and we will take care of executing this strategy for you. Saving you thousands of hours thinking about the strategy and executing it daily.


We are working on growing so this section is a bit sad for now 😅


Choose a strategy

Right now Firelabs only have Reinvestor with one single strategy of a staking. More strategies will be added

Pedro Reyes



Start the strategy

Just clicking the button and we will take care of executing this strategy for you. Saving you thousands of hours thinking about the strategy and executing it daily.


Reinvestor is our first product and it is not yet available for public usage


Choose a strategy

Right now Firelabs only have Reinvestor with one single strategy of a staking. More strategies will be added




Start the strategy

Just clicking the button and we will take care of executing this strategy for you. Saving you thousands of hours thinking about the strategy and executing it daily.